Taylor Smith » Class Rules and Information

Class Rules and Information

In Mrs. Smith's class, we CARE!
Courteous - Be polite and kind!
A - Always Prepared - Come with your mind and your materials
R - Respect - Teach it, show it, EXPECT it!
E - Effort - Give it your ALL, 100% of the time!
Grading Policy
Tests - 3 times
Quizzes - 2 times
Status Updates - 2 times
Classwork - 1 time
Homework - 1 time
Late and Absent Work Policies
Students have one week after the original due date to turn in assignments for a late grade of a 50.
All makeup quizzes and tests need to be scheduled with Mrs. Smith as soon as possible. 
When students are absent, they need to check the attendance log and collect work from the correct folder. After collecting work, initial by your name that work has been collected.