TurkeyTreeCoalition for Christ

Holiday Assistance Sign Up 


All applications must be submitted on-line this year.  Please reach out to the school counselor, Miss Pinto for assistance, if needed.


  1. Go to
  2. Scroll down to Thanksgiving Meal and click on Thanksgiving Assistance Form (this will open both the Thanksgiving and Christmas application forms)
  3. Fill out all fields and at the bottom select the type of assistance needed and click Next
  4. Read the Important Notice and select Yes or No to Certify
  5. Click Next if you are ready to proceed
  6. If applying for ONLY Thanksgiving Assistance a thank you notice  will appear on the screen and you will receive an email confirming your application
  7. If applying for BOTH Thanksgiving AND Christmas Assistance the form will appear.  Populate all fields and at the bottom select whether you have another child to enter and click next.  Repeat this step for all children.
  8. Once you have entered all children, click Next
  9. At the bottom of the Thank you for Registering page, click back to go back and review all of the information entered for each child
  10.  After review and have returned to the Thank you page, click submit
  11.  Receive Thank You for Registering notice (large green checkmark) and an  email confirming submission
  12.  Please do not enter multiple applications


Thank you for allowing the CCC the blessing of assistance this Christmas.

God’s love came down to earth at this blessed time and 

we are excited to be able to share His love with you!